The instructions include:

Sign in with Google

To use ExpoLoader you can easily sign up via your Google account.

Sign up and use of the application free of charge for 100 days.

Click the Sign in with google button on Next, select your preferred Email. You will be redirected to the Expoloader dash board.

In the registration you need to activate your account by confirming the link sent to your mailbox. Then you can start your working with the application. Congratulations !

ExpoLoader sign up and login

Setting up loading space

To start your project first need to select the container type you want to load, method you are going to use as well as If you use a pallet, you can select a pallet type to set up your project.
Expoloader setting up loading space - 1
Select loading type you want to use.
Here you can select your container type
Select method you use to load, whether single item pallet loading or not
Then select type of pallet you are going to use.
Click on setup to create your working space.
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Add your items here. You can select floor loading items and select pallet loading item.
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select item from this list of items.
Add item quantity you want and also all the details of items and pallet amount you can load.
You can see pattern that items are loaded by clicking on the arrow icon you can choose different pattern.
click on add button to add items to your container simulation.
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Click on pallet name to see how it arrange.
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Awesome! You have done. Now you can see your pallet simulation and in this way you can see how your container arranged.
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